Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Crop Availability Summer 2016

The weather plays funny tricks this year!

Every year is different and this year has been more difficult than most. After a very mild winter the spring was very cold and wet which caused damage to some crops and delayed planting of others. Then suddenly we had a few hot days and ripening accelerated causing some crops to come to a premature end.

Here is a summary of where we are with some of our main crops.


The outdoor crops has finished. We will have a late crop in the poly tunnels in mid/late August.


They have been very hard picked recently but we still have a few.


Very plentiful!


Still plenty


 A few just turning blue - should be plenty soon.


The April frost took a lot of the blossom so it will be a light crop this year. The first ones are turning colour now.

Saturday, 23 July 2016

strawberry update

Few Strawberries this week!

The recent hot weather has hastened the end of the outdoor crop and we have only a few left now but don't despair, we have our new polytunnel crop just flowering which will be ready to pick by about mid August.

Meanwhile we still have lots of raspberries, black currants, gooseberries and rhubarb.  The blueberries will be starting soon.